Spring 2020: Opportunity Amidst the Crisis

Happy spring everyone!  All around us, nature begins her shift to new life, new growth, an emergence from hibernation.  And we humans, an integral part of nature according to Chinese medical wisdom, are . . . in quarantine and social isolation!  Wow!  It’s a lot to wrap our heads around.  A lot of fear is roaming about.  Let’s see if we can move to the Spring place of hope and balance.  We all know about hand-washing, keeping distance, staying home if we’re feeling poorly, etc.  So, let’s focus on some of the more mental/emotional/spiritual aspects of our well-being since they’re so intimately interconnected.  The whole planet just got kicked into self-reflection, and kicked out of our daily habits!  How cool — and essential — is that?!  This is an opportunity to take stock of our lives and how they’re working (or not).

QI FOLLOWS THOUGHT:  If you’re thinking negative or fearful thoughts, your experience of life will be negative and fearful.  Take time each day to affirm the strength of your body, its infinite healing capabilities.  Affirm your ability to cope creatively with the weeks ahead with humor and inspiration.  Sing.  Pray.  Dance.  Spring is New Life; let yourself have new thoughts and habits.

LOVE YOUR LUNGS:  Covid-19 affects the lungs.  The lungs of the planet are its forests.  And the emotion associated with the Lungs in Chinese medicine is grief, taking in and letting go.  There is much grief worldwide with refugees from social upheaval, from climate disruption and environmental destruction.  What keeps you from present-time enjoyment and contribution in life?  What do you need to let into your life?  What do you need to let go of?

SUPPORT YOUR HEALTH WITH WISE LIFESTYLE CHOICES:  Your immune system is not separate from the rest of your body.  If you’re tired your immune system is tired.  If you’re overwhelmed, so is your immune system.  Eat well, but don’t overeat (it stresses the system).  Exercise but not to exhaustion.  Other stressors include lack of sleep, processed food, sugar, alcohol, little exercise and, once again, negative attitude.  This is an opportunity to shift some of those habits!

A word about DEPRIVATION:  I hear a lot of “I don’t get to . . . go to the city, take that trip, get married, have a party, go to a restaurant/bar, see a movie/sporting event.  etc.  You get the idea.  You have been given a gift of time.  Use it wisely.  What do I really want from life?  What do I have to offer?  How could I offer it?  How do I hold myself back?  Suddenly, “business as usual” and “a normal routine”  have been upended!  This is an opportunity!

BE A LITTLE OLD-FASHIONED:  Commit to finding activities for yourself and your family that don’t involve obsessive time with an electronic device.  Play board games, knit, do yoga, read aloud, indulge your artistic/musical sides, bake goodies and leave them on your neighbors’ doorsteps.  What would your grandparents have done?  Again, this is an opportunity to break habits that don’t serve you.  And don’t obsess about the news.  Check in periodically with a quality news source for updates, then get off the site.

SPEND TIME IN NATURE:  We are so blessed up here to have access to the out-of-doors.  This is safe, healthy space!  You can spend time with friends on walks and hikes, bike rides, etc.  This will help you attune with nature which is the true healer.  Any walker will tell you the mind-clearing effects of a good walk.  And deep breathe — there is a lot of qi/prana in the air!

  WE ARE ALL CONNECTED:  I can’t think of a time in my life when this has been more obvious.  The whole planet is affected.  This may be one of the most important take-aways from the whole Covid-19 scenario.  We are not alone with our fears and concerns — or the creativity and compassion of others.  Our choices affect others; we want to be mindful and caring.  Think of yourself as a pebble in a pond, sending out ripples of gratitude and caring everywhere.  Feel yourself receiving those ripples from others.

Spring is the time of growth in Chinese medicine and nature.  How do you want to grow at this point in time?  That is your personal response to Coronavirus!

Yours in health and happiness,

Lynn 3/20/2020

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